Cross Reference [Sites]

The Cross Reference (Sites) was a feature inherited by the DOS Qualedi system. Cross Reference Sites were used to identify documents that were imported into Qualedi with a particular trading partner configured in the system. Cross Reference sites have been replaced, in the Qualedi for Windows system, by Interface Headers. Cross Reference Sites are supported for users who utilized this feature in the DOS system but no further enhancements or development will be done for the Cross Reference feature.  The Cross Reference Site labels are supported only to document version 004010.

Qualedi can use an identification code in the N1 segment to identify the recipient of the document.  Refer to a Standards listing, obtained by executing the Standards Report command of the document type you are working with.  Within the N1 segment, you will find the field N104 Identification Code (*0166 Qualedi ID in old labels, *ABY in the new Qualedi labels).  If the data in this field will consistently contain information about your trading partner, that iteration of N104 can be used to identify to whom the document is going.


The Cross Reference (Sites) function provides the necessary link between a Trading Partner (recipient) and the outgoing document.  You must create a SITE for each TRADING PARTNER to whom you will be sending documents.  For each SITE you must specify the SITE, the TRADING PARTNER, and an INTERNAL ID.  A typical SITE entry might appear as:


SITE:  XYZ HEADQUARTERS                                                                


         INTERNAL ID: 012345

The SITE is a name that you can easily recognize.  The trading partner is selected from the list Trading Partner in your system.  The INTERNAL ID is what appears in the N104 Identification Code field of the N1 segment.


A part of the QIMPORT file would appear as follows:


Qualedi relates the identification code of  "012345" to your trading partner, the XYZ SUPPLY COMPANY, by matching the data in the *ABY field to the INTERNAL ID in one of the Cross Reference (Sites) entries.  Thus, Qualedi can correctly 'address' the transmission and provide the correct passwords and identifiers from the Trading Partner screen.  More than one SITE per TRADING PARTNER is allowed to accommodate situations such as several "Bill to" identities for a single company in an invoicing system interface.


Host Interface